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The pollution of seas and rivers by hydrocarbons
Par MyPlanet - Collaboration spéciale

The pollution of seas and rivers by hydrocarbons, including those contained in bitumen, is a significant environmental concern.

Bitumen is a heavy, dense form of petroleum often used in the production of asphalt and in other applications.

When released into water bodies, either through spills or other means, it can have harmful effects on aquatic ecosystems.

Bitumen and other hydrocarbons can have both immediate and long-term impacts on marine life.

They can coat the surface of the water, forming a slick that prevents oxygen exchange and sunlight penetration, which is crucial for the survival of marine organisms.

This can lead to oxygen depletion and negatively affect photosynthetic organisms, such as phytoplankton, which form the base of the marine food chain.

Additionally, the toxic components of bitumen can have direct adverse effects on fish, shellfish, and other aquatic organisms.

These pollutants can be ingested or absorbed by organisms, leading to various health issues such as organ damage, reproductive problems, and reduced survival rates.

The effects can be particularly severe for sensitive life stages, such as the eggs and larvae of marine species.

Cleaning up and remediation of hydrocarbon spills, including those involving bitumen, can be challenging due to the persistence and density of the substances.

Efforts to mitigate and prevent such pollution involve a combination of containment, skimming, and dispersants to minimize the impact on the environment.

However, the best approach is to prioritize prevention through rigorous safety regulations, responsible handling and transport of bitumen, and the development and implementation of cleaner and more sustainable energy alternatives.

It is important for governments, industries, and individuals to work together to reduce the release of hydrocarbons into the environment and to promote sustainable practices that minimize the risk of pollution in our seas and rivers.